The EPA announced a new ruling that will take effect April 2010 that will require contractors to take special precaution when renovating homes built before 1978, child-care facilities and schools occupied by children under 6 or pregnant women.
James Gulliford, the EPA's assistant administrator for prevention said, "Our goal is to eliminate childhood lead poisoning as a major health concern by the year 2010".
But lead paint is found in more than an estimated 38 million homes and is not easy to deal with- the dust that is made from removing the paint is a major concern and when removing paint off the outside of the house, lead getting into the soil is another issue that must be handled very carefully. To properly deal with this tedious messy task, builders, painters, electricians and others will have to be trained and certified in lead abatement procedures.
Contractors will be prohibited from using sandblasters, torches or other power tools that stir up lead dust. Warning signs to keep residents out of the area until all dust and debris is cleaned up will also be required.
If you have lead paint in your own home consider removing it before you have children. If you are going to remove it yourself, read up on ways to reduce your own exposure. Try to avoid sanding at all costs and always always wear a mask.
The IR paint stripper is a wonderful tool to use in removing lead paint. It heats up and the paint softens and can easily be scrapped off without producing dust and without the use of chemical strippers. The solid lead paint chips are easily swept up and can be disposed of properly. Also look for HEPA vacuums for when you are cleaning any areas that could be affected with lead dust.
Check out
The Silent Paint for the IR paint stripper and attachments as well as HEPA vacuums, organic paint and organic cleaning products.